James A. Quander Works Consulted

Primary Sources

Birth Records Historical Archives, Fairfax Courthouse, Fairfax, Virginia.

Census of persons between the ages of Five and Twenty-one in the School District of Mt. Vernon Fairfax, Fairfax Courthouse, Fairfax, Virginia.

Chancery Cause James A. Quander et. al. vs. The County of Fairfax 1885, Fairfax Courthouse, Fairfax, Virginia.

County of Fairfax vs. James A. Quander, Fairfax Courthouse, Fairfax, Virginia.

Grantor Index to Deeds from 1866-1932, Fairfax Courthouse, Fairfax, Virginia

Land Deed Andrew Arnold and Louis Arnold to James A. Quander, Fairfax Courthouse, Fairfax, Virginia.

Mount Vernon Map, Fairfax Courthouse, Fairfax, Virginia.

Table of Tracts of Land for the Year 1878, Fairfax County Courthouse, Fairfax, Virginia.

Table of Tracts of Land for the Year 1888, Fairfax Courthouse, Fairfax, Virginia.

Table of Tracts of Land for the Year 1913, Fairfax County Courthouse, Fairfax, Virginia.

Will Book Index 1742-1936, Fairfax Courthouse, Fairfax, Virginia.


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