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Black Lives Next Door in Fairfax
Sandy Alexander
Alexander and his Family
Alexander's Land
Citizen Alexander and Future Research
Sandy Alexander Project Works Consulted
Jane E. Bell
From Blackburn to Bell
Bell's Land
African American Women in Antebellum Fairfax
Jane E Bell Works Consulted
Lawson Brooks
Family and Census
Properties and Lands
Future Research and Conclusions
Lawson Brooks Works Consulted
Mary E Brooks
Mary E Brooks' Land
Mary E Brooks' Property Through the Years
Mary E Brooks Further Research
Mary E Brooks Works Consulted
John A. Brown: The Journey
John's Life
John's Land and Gum Spring History
Works Cited
Lovelace Brown
Lovelace Brown Real Estate
Lovelace Brown's Philanthropic and Dark History
Lovelace Brown Works Consulted
Andrew Carpenter
Andrew Carpenter's Past
Andrew Carpenter Census
Andrew Carpenter Land Ownership
Andrew Carpenter Works Consulted
George Carroll
Life of George Carroll
Legacy of Carroll
Future Research
Work Consulted
William H. Carter
Carter's Land
Carter's Family
Conclusion & Future Research
Carter Works Consulted
Louisa Ferguson
Louisa Ferguson Census and Family
Louisa Ferguson Property
Delia Clark(e)
Future Research and Concluding Thoughts
Works Consulted
Eliza A. Ford - Marlaina Bozek
Eliza A. Ford - Property Ownership
Eliza A. Ford - The Property Today
Eliza A. Ford - For Further Research and Concluding Thoughts
Eliza A. Ford - Works Consulted
John B. Ford - Molly Pitts
Ford Land and Maps
The Ford Family Deeds (earliest and latest)
Tax Documentation for the Fords
John B. Ford - Final Thoughts and Conclusions
John B. Ford - Works Cited
Thornton Gray
Part 1: Thornton Gray's Early Life and Land
Part 2: Thornton Gray's Life and Family
Part 3: Post-Thornton Gray's Death
Questions, Further Research, and Works Cited
Thomas Harris
Early Life, Family, and Marriage
Land Ownership
Death, Legacy, and Future Research
Thomas Harris Research Project - Works Consulted
William Holland
William Holland's Family
The Holland Land
Conclusion and Future Research
Works Consulted
Andrew Jackson
The Jackson Family Land
The Jackson Family Household
The Jackson Family Tragedy
Andrew Lee
Andrew Lee's Land
Andrew Lee and his Family
Andrew Lee and Future Research
Andrew Lee Project Works Consulted
James A. Quander
James A. Quander Family History
James A. Quander Records of Land Ownership
James A. Quander and Future Research
James A. Quander Works Consulted
William Robinson
William H. Robinson's Life
The Land Portfolio of William Robinson
After William H. Robinson's Life
Further Research and Concluding Thoughts
Works Consulted
William Dandridge Smith
Wm. D Smith Census Records
The Smith Legacy
Smith Family Land and Business
Wm. D Smith Works Consulted
Matilda Tolison
Federal Government Involvement
Community and Livelihood around Tolison
Conclusion and Future Research
Matilda Tolison Works Consulted
Lloyd Washington
Washington Family
Washington Land
Land after Lloyd Washington
Washington Road Records
Lloyd Washington Works Consulted
Lloyd Washington
Lloyd Washington