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Racial Reckoning

Collected Item: “Memorials and Protest at Black Lives Matter Plaza”

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Memorials and Protest at Black Lives Matter Plaza

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Photos taken during protests and other activities at Black Lives Matter Plaza (16th St NW between K and I, Washington D.C.) during June 2020 and again from November 2020 through January 2021.

During the second period, I was part of a crew of approximately 10 people who regularly helped maintain the signs on the large chain link fence that ran along H street NW (the northern edge of Layfayette Park) and did everything we could to keep the plaza safe and protect it from Proud Boys and similar fascist groups.

see, eg.,

(All photos are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike-NonCommercial (or any other license which may be applied to this project))

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Nadine Seiler
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