
Statement on Ethics

Racial Reckoning strives to be an inclusive space which respects and protects the privacy and identity of contributors and commenters. We work towards being a space for reflection and connection; this archive is not interested in showcasing or reproducing the trauma associated with protest and racialized violence. We encourage contributors to think carefully about the privacy of the individuals in their images and content before submitting, and to post images of objects like protest signs, T-shirts, the built environment, or written or audio statements, rather than identifiable images of people.

Privacy Policy

All materials on this site are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).  This means that you retain copyright, but others are free to use, share, redistribute, and adapt the materials you upload so long as they provide attribution. They may not use these materials for commercial purposes.

You must be at least 13 years of age to contribute to Racial Reckoning. We ask for but do not require your name and email address only to validate submissions and to help us follow up with users as needed. Adding your name also enables others who use your images under the Creative Commons license to credit you. This information may also be shared or preserved for research purposes in the future, but will not be used to track you.  The descriptions of content you submit will be available to the public and will be reviewed by Racial Reckoning staff.

Racial Reckoning staff will not respond to informal request by a third party for personally identifiable information about any contributor. Such information includes content contributed to the site, email address or inquiries, and database search records.

By submitting, users agree to the following

  • That their materials will be licensed on this site under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
  • That they give George Mason University permission to store the contribution indefinitely.
  • That they give permission to publicly display the contribution on this website.
  • That they give permission to preserve the contribution, including the identifying information collected at the time of submission. Geroge Mason University may at its discretion turn over these materials, including the identifying information, to a third party for the purpose of long-term preservation and use by researchers.
  • That they are at least 13 years of age.
  • That they agree to the privacy policy.
  • That they are not violating any intellectual property rights by submitting these materials.

George Mason University is under no obligation to store, preserve, or publish any materials submitted to the site. Such publication and preservation is solely at the discretion of Racial Reckoning, and materials may be deleted, or stored and not published, for any reason.

Removing Images

Racial Reckoning makes every attempt to respect and protect users' privacy, and the privacy of those who are depicted in images or videos uploaded to the website by others. If you see yourself in an image on this site and do not wish for it to be publicly visible, please send us an email at legacies@gmu.edu