Receipt book for goods purchased - page 3


Baltimore, May 16, 1867    
Wholesale Drug Store of S.A. FOUTZ & BRO., 116 Franklin Street.    
Mesrs Mett L Metzer    
Please pay to the publisher of the Washingtonian    
…....................the sum of Four Dollars,     
in full for advertising our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDER, from the 24th    
of Feburary 1867, to the 24th of May 1867,    
and charge to us.    
Very Respectfully,    
S.A. Foutz & Broo    
$4.00                                                                 Per J.H. Euring    
 69.95 Balbo. July 13, 1867   Dorsey of Billing
Five days after eight   Pay Hunter Efeca by
Pay to the order of Ourselves   order
Sixty Nine 95/100   Calstnehaland
Value received and charge to account of    Road Pmr
To Mesrs Mott and Metzger   JN Williams
No Leesburg. Va                                 Dorsey Billups   Hdns Express
Alex a Va July 12th 1867.    
Mers Mott Y Metzger,    
yours dated the 10th came duly to hand     
in reply I would say I did neglect to    
make a note concerning same. Am verry     
sorry I did so but those things will happen    
sometimes. I am perfectly satisfied that    
all amounts due me have been paid    
up to date    
Yours Respectfully    
Wm Buckingham    
Receipt book for goods purchased - page 3
Mott and Metzger
16 May 1867-29 March 1871
Bibliographic Citation
Ethel Littlejohn Adams Collection (M 091), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.