Receipt book for goods purchased - page 7


Alex after Aug 16 67
Messrs Mott + Metzger 
Your order,
per your favor of yesterday was
stocked last evening as you
directed. We hope that it has 
no this reached you on good
order. Enclosed please find
Bill. The draft on TA Brewig
is for $58.50 has been collectid
and placed to your credit. We 
took One liberty of sending you 
1/4 dz Harrys Magnesia instead
of Hael and (1/2 dz) which we are
out of. We however expect a 
supply of Ace lather in a few days
and of the "Henrys" as not sates-
factory please retara and we 
will forward one other.
Yours Truly
Harry Cook

as Ed F Helley.

Balto July 20 1867    
Mers Mott + Metzger    
Your of the 15th ued    
is al hand with ets enclosure    
of forty six 69/100 Dolls    
*********** for which    

[remainder of page is torn off]


Janney & Co.,    
Druggists, and Dealers in Garden Seeds and Druggists' Sundries    
NO. 145 King Street    
Alexandria, Va., July 9th 1867    
Mssrs Mott + Metzger,    
We are in receipts through    
M for L. Knox of your favor of today en-    
closing $55.76 in full for Bill of 19th will     
we have placed to your credit in full--    
[torn page]****ks for the same,    
We are, yes very truly,    

Tanney and Ed


Alexandria, VVA., August 15th, 1867.4    
Mssers Mott and Metzgee  Leesburg VA    
Bought of Henry Cook    
No. 39 King Street    
   Dollars  Cents
1 Cacboy containing                      3  
160° Victrel 4 1/2                     7 61
1° Ext Vanilla HC 15                     2 15
1/2° Rasberry 2. "12                     1 12
2° Citric Acid 1.10                     2 20
1/2 dz Henrys Magnesca 12                     3  
2oz Tannie 45 bot 16                     1 6
Catage   25
                   20 39



Receipt book for goods purchased - page 7
Mott and Metzger
16 May 1867-29 March 1871
Bibliographic Citation
Ethel Littlejohn Adams Collection (M 091), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.