Receipt book for goods purchased - page 10


Alexandria, V, Sep 12, 1867            
Mess Mott + Metzger Leesburg            
Bought of JANNEY & CO.,            
Wholesale and Retail Druggists,            
And Dealers in Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Oils and Dye Stuffs, Garden Seeds,         
Window Glass and Putty,            
TERMS CASH.                   145 King Street, below Washington         Dollar Cents
    10 Galls 950 Alcohol 4.20     42 0
    1 oz At. Iron + Lhychnia 1.00 at 5     1 5
    4oz H: Ext.Billed Cohosh 50 "5       55
    1/2 doz Ayeis Pectoral     4 25
    1th Blue Map 75 Jan 15       90
    Srayage       25
          $49 0
    Per R.R. to Leesburg        


Alexandria Sept 25 1864            
Mep Mott + Metzger            
Bo,t J Steiner + Gohe         Dolllar Cents
22 Ms Jockey Club Small         15 40
20   " Fruits + Flowers @ 0bo         12 0
5 " B.F. Gravely @ 1.15         5 75
Case           25
Shipped today per A. L. +H.RR.            
the above bill            
Hoping they may proove            
satisfactory, we await your            
 further orders.            
Respectfully yours            
Steiner A Gohe             
Receipt book for goods purchased - page 10
Mott and Metzger
16 May 1867-29 March 1871
Bibliographic Citation
Ethel Littlejohn Adams Collection (M 091), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.