

Part of Account book - pp 17-18

Left page

Date Month Year First  Last Description  Payment 
BLANK BLANK BLANK Albert Jackson To balance due  $               0.44
BLANK BLANK BLANK     Soap matches 11. med 13  $               0.24
BLANK BLANK BLANK     Comb 10  $               0.10
BLANK BLANK 1851     Cochineal Med  $               0.75
             $               1.53
19 Apr 1854 By Cash   $0.00  
             $               0.53

Right Side

Date Month Year First  Last Description  Payment 
 Blocked by torn pages   Blocked by torn pages   Blocked by torn pages  Louisa at AJ.M Vanderanters To Comb + Brush  $               0.56
13 Oct 1853     Med 25 1852. aplo 2 side Comb 8  $               0.33
    1853        $               0.89
13 May 1853     B. B. Cash   4.11 B 
26         Amount in full 48  $             4.106