

Part of Receipt book for goods purchased - page 4

Baltimore Aug 8 1867
Mrs Mott & Metzger
Leesburg Va
We have your
favor of the 2d also the One Hundred
Dollars for Express which Amt
we have placed to your Credit
please accept our thanks 
for same. We enclose monies
for Goods sent today which
we wish safe to hand and
to your satisfaction
We solecit
your further orders
And Remain
Truly Yours
Thomsen H Block
Jur. Geo. L. Meeth
Baltimore February 18 1867
Mesrs. Mott and Metzer
Please pay to the Publishers of the "Washingtonian"
the sum of Four Dollars, as payment in full for advertising our 
Horse and Cattle Powder, from the 24th day of November 
1866 to the 24th day of February 1867 and charge
the same to the account of 
Yours, Respectfully
S.A. Foutz x Bro
$4.00                                                                                              Per J.H. Ewing.