Fanny - Coroner's Inquisition


Fanny - Coroner's Inquisition
Commonwealth of Virginia: Henrico County, to wit: Inquisition indented, taken at “Richmond College” in the County of Henrico aforesaid, the 19th day of May, 1844 before me Jesse Snead (in the absence of the Coroner) one of the Justices of the peace of the County aforesaid, and acting as Coroner of the said County (with absence of the Coroner aforesaid) upon the view of the body of a female mulatto infant late of said County: then and there, lying dead, and upon the oaths of Wellington Goddin, foreman, Moby Woodson, Robert Harvey, Sampson Jones, William W. Wingo, Peter D. Glinn, William Davis, Harden Davis, John W. Hill, N.B. Binford, Bennett Crafton and J. M. Murray good and lawful men of the County aforesaid, who being sworn, and charged to inquire, on the part of the said Commonwealth, when, where, how, and after what manner, the said female infant came to her death, do say, upon their oath, that one Fanny a slave, the property of Mrs. Fox of the County of King William, late of the County of Henrico aforesaid, not having God before her eyes, but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the devil, on this day about 2 o’clock, A.M. with force and arms, at “Richmond College” in the County aforesaid, in and upon the said female infant (her own child!) then and there being in the peace of God, and of the said Commonwealth, feloniously, voluntarily, and of her malice aforethought, made an assault; and that the aforesaid Fanny then and then, with a certain Brick of other weapon which she the said Fanny then and there held in her right hand the aforesaid female infant, in and upon the forehead and face of the said female infant, a little above the mouth of the said female infant, then and there violently, feloniously, voluntarily, and of her malice aforethought, struck and brused, and gave to the said female infant, then and there with the brick or other weapon
19 May 1844
Spatial Coverage
Richmond College, Henrico County, VA