Wesley Gibson's D.C. neighborhood - 700 block of 4th Street Southwest, 1949


Wesley Gibson's D.C. neighborhood - 700 block of 4th Street Southwest, 1949
Wesley Gibson would have shopped at stores like these, perhaps known the residents living above, along the onetime "Main Street" of old Southwest D.C. The neighborhood was razed in the 1950s, and 4th Street today is lined with massive mid-century residential complexes.
YYYY-MM-DD (1861-04-12)
DC Public Library, Washingtoniana Division
Enter an appropriate Chicago Style citation for the original item.
Smithsonian Anacostia Community Museum, “Southwest: Urban Renewal, Urban Removal - A Right to the City Digital Exhibit,” ArcGIS Storymap Exhibit, January 16, 2020, https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/814cd8c1241c4b99a5a17ef6da1efe3a.