"Color Coded" - 1890 School Census of Fairfax County's Providence District


"Color Coded" - 1890 School Census of Fairfax County's Providence District
This 1890 census of school-eligible children in Fairfax County's Providence District follows local custom of listing Black and white students on separate pages; pages for Black students were on literally "colored" (ecru) paper.
Last name, first name (Mason, George)
Fairfax County
YYYY-MM-DD (1861-04-12)
Fairfax County Circuit Court Historic Records Center
Enter an appropriate Chicago Style citation for the original item.
Fairfax County, “Census of School Population - Fairfax County, Providence District,” 1890, Fairfax Circuit Court Historic Records Center.
Enter your name. Last name, first name
Katz, Mandy