Reston Black Focus Festival

The Reston Times Cover displaying the first Reston Black Focus Festival, 1969.

The Reston Black Focus came up with a variety of events and activities to highlight Black art, music, literature, and history. Their most notable event was the Reston Black Focus Festival. It was launched in 1969, it was held at the heart of Reston, Lake Anne and was held for three days. The festival included art showcases, film showings, performances, and a Sunday church service. The festival was open to all Restonians and anyone who wanted to learn about Black culture. When the festival was over, the Reston Black Focus sent newsletters with activities and events that highlighted Black culture.



Newspaper article covering the Festival, 1969.
Events for the 1974 Festival.

Their work did not end there. As stated in their organization goals, the Reston Black Focus would do everything in their power to ensure all Black Restonians had equity. 

By: Hercilia Vasquez-Flores

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